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Cycle of Love .

"My gratified mentality whispers to my soul
My heart demoralized and now black as coal
Love smiles cunningly and bellows at my gate
This love cycle is reran to establish my fate"

I wrote this for myself. For you slow people, (lol) it basically means, even though my mind tells my broken heart no, I always give in to love even though it's not good for me. I'm happy to say I'm not doing that anymore but I can't say that I won't do it in the future. And I definitely wrote that from personal experience. It's hard to turn away from the one you love even though you know he's not good for you. I'm just so happy I had the strength because some women don't and I can honestly say that I understand why ladies.


  1. i'm always told to follow my heart cuz the mind always switches it up on ya. But most of the time, the heart eventually comes to its senses

  2. My mind is rational .... and sometimes my heart sets me up for failure so I believe that the mind and the heart should agree.

  3. I feel ya tweety, its like your heart want to believe otherwise but your mind telling you something else.

  4. just randomly came across you blog and just had to stop in to say I remember being your age but don't worry... shit gets easier. or maybe i should say that bullshit gets easier to spot so that you can avoid it and it hurts a little less.

    you're funny as all shit & your poems are nice. I know I'll be stopping by every so often to see what your getting into.

    take care from a stranger...
