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Ex-Girlfriend .

Why must the ex-girlfriend always be the one thing in the way? I never really have insecurities. That experience was the first time I've been through it. Mya asks all the questions that I want to ask but can't bring myself to say it. Feelings aren't hurt because I'm honestly over it, but does it ever end with the ex. She's an EX for a reason, LET HER GO!


  1. YANNO!! it seems like thats a re-occuring problem in my love life too, with all guys i ever talked to! like damn what is the deal?

  2. ok he went over his ex house to get his hair done KNOWING i wasnt gonna be koo with that ... and he told me like it was nuthin talkin bout "you aint got nuthin to worry about" and truth is i do worry cuz like u dont know me like u know her and i'm not about to be in a triangle again, i mean yea i look better than her, lol. but it's not koo to be spending time with your ex and then coming over my house telling me i'm tripping. i would tell the whole story but it's too much.

  3. O Wow That Seems Typical I See That Alot
