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The Perfect Man .

Speaking for women that want the perfect man, I want him so bad right now. Every man tries to be the man you want them to be in the beginning, until they get used to being next to you. Then they stop surprising you, and they stop holding you the way you want to be held. They stop kissing you in cute places. Not a day goes by that I miss it. That's why I don't like being in relationships. I like meeting new guys because they are in the new stage. That stage where all they want to do is please you (not just sexually but in that cutsey mushy way lol).

I always miss the little stuff that's taken for granted ... like the small kiss on the forehead or a compliment every now and then. I just hate being the first one to initiate the little stuff. Like I have to be the one to wrap his arms around me. Why can't the guy just want to pull me close or just just give me a hug and linger a little bit. I know, I'm a hopeless romantic. That's exactly what it is, hopeless. I'm just a wishful thinker because no man is like the man I want. I just have to go on being the initiator. I can live with it...........I guess.


  1. All i can do is quote Madea (I forgot which play)
    But things run dry because people keep meeting the one they're only meant to be with for a season, and if a person gets lucky, they meet the one they're meant to be with for a lifetime. That's why there's still some elderly couples around lol, the love never dies out because they are meant to be.
    Best thing to do is just let the right one find you, if they want your heart bad enough they'd fight for it.

  2. Elow! Thnx for commenting! Wow. It is pretty hard to be the "perfect man". But this is one sure thing that I will remember to improve my relationship. Nice post!

  3. I agree with what L.Alexandra said.

    But my past relationships have ended up like that.. be all good then you just get tired of each other.
